✨Explore Events

The true strength of our platform is anchored in the vast array of game types and topics, ensuring our users get the most exciting, up-to-date and unique competitions and serving the event owners' purposes.

3 game types

  • Peer-to-peer & Prize

  • Users Vs. Pool

  • Affiliate

View all the categories of events

Sports: Action-Packed Sports Options include: Football, Basketball, Tennis and more. Alongside the standard sports markets, we also cover unique areas like table tennis, Formula 1 and MMA, so you can have fun wagering on something new whenever you like.

Esports: To begin, just select the Esport category on our website. From there, you may access many Esport prediction games clearly listed. League of Legends, Overwatch, Dota 2 and Call of Duty, etc.

Market Prediction: Simply put, predicting the market is challenging. Yet, it is undeniable that the thrill of getting it right is just palpable.

GameFi: A truly innovative prediction type of event that is only available on EFUN 2.0. This is a potential field for GameFi projects to promote their games on EFUN to increase the number of visitors and make profit from it.

Politics: Catching up with what’s going on in the world…

Others: Imagine all the fun and topics you can encounter while exploring the EFUN 2.0: ranging from sport and politics, to even more light-hearted and entertaining topics such as movies and music. It’s totally up to the creativity and purposes of the event owners.

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